船長からのメール 其の二


The 12 hour trolling trip is for big game like tuna, wahoo, marlin, etc and is hit or miss.A 12 hour bottom/reef fishing is fishing for snapper, grouper, triggerfish and trolling between spots for king mackerel and wahoo.10 hour is the same but does not allow to get as far offshore as the 12.Hope this helps.Let me know which trip you want saturday.


Can you upgrade a 12 hour fishing trip(not for big game)
from 10 hr trip? We understand best trip is 12 hr trolling
trip for get tuna, decide to extend trip hour.
Is sailing time changed by trip upgrade? It was AM6:30.
please sugget best saling time for 12 hr trip. We need to
leave in the midnight from Atlanta. Thx
ひどい英語だな。中学以下だよ 全く。

皆様 あ( ̄○ ̄)り( ̄◇ ̄)が( ̄△ ̄)と( ̄0 ̄)う( ̄ー ̄)


日の出: 6:40 日の入り:8:27 釣り可能な時間:14:47

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